If you have ANY questions about donating, please PM
Cyberphoenix runs on high-end Intel Servers , Your donations help us keep the site running smoothly
Donating to CP not only provides you an opportunity to support the site but also get your name posted in the shoutbox, recognizing that you donated, and publicly thanking you.
Benefits of Donating
► Respect of all of our staff, mods, and members.
► Access to our special VIP forums.
►A Green name color.
► A custom member title. (Instead of teacher you could be l337 Donator)
►In depth tutorial on how to activate windows (including windows 7) / office & receive windows updates!
► #1 Priority when you request in VIP Requests.
► The latest HTTP (non rapidshare) links and Premium Downloads!!!
► You get to have an email like yournamehere@cyberphoenix.info (PM for info!)
► Max PM storage from 50 to 10,000.
► Can DELETE your own posts.
► Avoid all Flood Control Limits.
► Can change your display name max of two times every 30 days. (PM for info!)
► RapidLeech Services.
► Can request, and get #1 priority, in the shoutbox.
► There is so much that isn't listed here. Donate Today!
We also have a lifetime package available!