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About Dammaged

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  1. Dammaged

    9GAG - have some good Laughs

    I work for a major ________ company. One of the guys got engaged on thursday.......3 day party Walked in monday morning......."Youve been randomly selected to povide a urin sample." Ya OK....that probably looked like me
  2. Dammaged

    Hot Dog

  3. Dammaged

    World Strange Man - Amazing Tree man

    actually I saw the Special on Dede...he made some great progress
  4. Dammaged

    Miss Kentucky

    Miss Kentucky This is the new Miss Kentucky. The picture that will stay with her for the rest of her life: Make-up and hair style ................... $500 New dress for the show ..................$700 Giant stuffed bear ........................... $300 Not knowing how to hold the bear with a microphone in her hand .....Priceless!!!
  5. Unfortunatelty the first one is probably someone's actual father.