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What You See First In This Image Reveals....

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What You See First In This Image Reveals The Very Worst Thing About You

Here is how this test works: Look at the image below and pay attention to what catches your eye first.


Now, read about how what you saw first reveals the absolutely worst thing about you.

Here is what it means if you saw...

1. The face with the moustache
If the first thing you saw was the face with the moustache, the worst thing about you is your pride. You have always been confident, and that's absolutely awesome. You've been raised to believe in yourself and you make it a point always to do just that. 

It's good to be confident, but it's bad to think that you always have the answers in every situation and that your take is the only take. If you want to connect with people and make the most of the world around you, think before you speak and don't assume your way is the only way. 

2. The man with the lute (string instrument)
If the first thing you saw was the man with the lute, the worst thing about you is your temper. You might think that you excel at keeping your cool and not letting anything get to you, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, even when you silently flip your lid, you manage to exude a hostile energy that keeps everyone away from you.

Everyone gets angry sometimes — anger is, after all, a totally normal human emotion. But if you want to address your anger issues, you'll need to do some deep soul searching. Many of the things that make you angry are things that don't merit the level of response you give them. Next time, instead of stewing, try going for a walk.

3. The hanging baskets 
If the first thing you saw was the hanging baskets, the worst thing about you is your sense of humour. I'm so sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but those jokes you love and that you're always telling? They are just not funny, and people are laughing because they don't want to hurt your feelings. 

It's not that you are not a funny person, but your insistence on telling jokes that people usually hear from their socially awkward uncle is just downright bizarre. Be yourself and get away from that ancient material. The funny will come on its own. 

4. The sword
If the first thing you saw was the sword, the worst thing about you is your verbal prowess. That's right, I bet you didn't think that being born with a silver tongue could be a curse, but it absolutely is. Because you don't always use yours for good. You use words to fight, to get you out of jams, and in a myriad of other shifty ways. 

If you want to change your smooth-tongued ways, try doing less talking and more listening. If you listen to the words of others you might learn that you don't need to verbally dazzle or stun someone to make a meaningful impact on their lives.

What did you see first in Image?
Drop them below.

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