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bella101uk last won the day on June 11 2017

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17 Good

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About bella101uk

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  1. bella101uk

    Colourbox album by Colourbox

    Released in 1985. TIA
  2. bella101uk

    League of their own series 15

    Looking for episodes 2, 3 and 4 TIA
  3. Does anyone have this book they can share? I'm after a North African Lamb recipe that's in it TIA
  4. bella101uk

    Any books on outdoor education

    I thought I had and I've just done it again and it didn't come up with anything relevant
  5. Does anyone have a copy of these 2 kids books? Thanks.
  6. bella101uk

    Agisoft photoscan (Completed)

    Works a treat thanks
  7. bella101uk

    Agisoft photoscan (Completed)

    You're a star just downloading it now. I'll let you know how it goes.
  8. bella101uk

    Autodesk mudbox and remake (Completed)

    You're a star just downloading them now. I'll let you know how it goes.
  9. Does anyone have this app they can share. cheers
  10. Does anyone have either of these apps? I want to play around with 3d scanning. cheers
  11. bella101uk

    XBOX mod

    Hi all, Can anyone recommend a non-solder mod chip for the Xbox 360 and a supplier (preferably in the UK). thanks in advance.