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Everything posted by Darko

  1. theomastix =punisher of mortals sent by God; such a punishment
  2. Comes in handy if you get a lot of Vietnam and Chinese spammers.
  3. yeomanette--- old term for a female yeoman in the American naval reserve
  4. Eestablishmentarianism (adj) Of, relating to, or supporting the political or social establishment. es·tablish·men·tari·an n. es·tablish·men·tari·an·ism n.
  5. laryngotracheobronchitis Croup (or laryngotracheobronchitis) is a respiratory condition that is usually triggered by an acute viral infection of the upper airway. The infection leads to swelling inside the throat, which interferes with normal breathing and produces the classical symptoms of a "barking" cough, stridor, and hoarseness. It may produce mild, moderate, or severe symptoms, which often worsen at night. It is often treated with a single dose of oral steroids; occasionally epinephrine is used in more severe cases. Hospitalization is rarely required.
  6. nitrochloroanthraquinones Definition: Chemistry a highly flammable material made by treating cellulose with concentrated nitric acid, used to make explosives and celluloid.
  7. Darko

    What is your hobby

    Protecting the Tower and sharing with my Cyberwarez friends
  8. Darko

    Request Team

    Sounds like a good idea, good luck with it amigo
  9. Good day everyone, Does anybody know what an API is and how it works? I found a service that encrypts links and offers an API. I was wondering if anybody is any good at coding to help make a tool for this service.Thanx for your time. Darko
  10. Cool would it be hard to code something up for this? Is it like a drop their code into some easy? (Well easy for somebody who knows code that is)
  11. Well basically I found a site that encrypts your links. Example: http://ncrypt.in/link-NESSsRjgl-KSPHaRkBqHJj6-CuOIISwqMFluDPw2,UQ= It makes it harder to get the link to report and thus kill the file. The site can be found here: http://ncrypt.in/ Can be found here: http://ncrypt.in/api.html I thought maybe you could make some easy program like an uploader/link encrypter. to make it all easier. I was not sure if you could use the API for this or not
  12. Uh,yeah its all Greek to me. I don't know coding at all. Thanx anyways
  13. Darko

    Are SSD worth buying for boot?

    If you have the $$$ you should build this set up. OMG it is friggen AWSOME!!! Take a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96dWOEa4Djs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96dWOEa4Djs
  14. Google "zerg rush" without the quotes and see what comes up. It might take a sec or two. You can also play Pac Man: http://www.google.com/pacman/ For fans of Les Paul: http://www.google.com/logos/2011/lespaul.html If, by any chance, you feeling like searching “Google gravity” and hitting “I’m feeling lucky”, don’t be surprised if Google comes crashing down around you the second you move the mouse. Google pokes fun at its own “did you mean” suggestions if you search recursion (repetition or returning) by questioning your spelling even though you didn’t make a mistake. So “GoogleDaq ylnej” means “Google search”. Hmmm. Who knew? Well, you, if you speak Klingon. Yes, there is a Klingon version of Google. There is also a pirate and Elmer Fudd version, if that’s more your thing. Designers will love this one — kerning is the spacing between letters in a word. When you do a search for kerning, Google changes the spaces between letters in the word ‘kerning’ in all the results. Heehee. You see what they did there? Picture this: You’re working under a tight deadline, your clock is slowly counting the minutes past 3AM and your coffee and Red Bull combo is failing. The sleep deprivation is starting to affect you — you are starting to see things. You click to your home page, and there, rising gracefully from the dark waves in your iGoogle theme, is the Lochness Monster. No, you’re not hallucinating — you really did see Nessy. If you are ever awake and online at 3:14 AM (those are the first three digits in Pi, by the way. Gosh, those Google nerds), and have the iGoogle beach theme installed, Nessy will come to visit for a minute. If you’re not an insomniac, you can always just change the timezone on your computer and in your iGoogle settings and just wait until 14 minutes past the hour (I was in Bangkok last night, as far as Google knows). Similar to the ‘recursion’ response, if you search for ‘anagram’ (rearranging the letters in a word to make a new word or phrase, in case you didn’t know), Google rearranges the letters to suggest you were really searching for ‘nag a ram’. If you ever want to creep the Antarctic on Google Maps, you may be surprised to find the little orange peg man you drag and drop to change to Google Street View has transformed into a fat little penguin. Awwww. What do you get if you don’t actually search for anything, and just hit ‘I’m feeling lucky’? A catalogue of all the Google doodles — all the way back to 1998. There were just three in that year — there have already been 69 in 2012. If you type in the Konami code (a cheat code used in Konami games) in Google Reader, the side panel will turn blue and a cute ninja will appear on the left of your screen. Use your arrow keys and keyboard to enter the code — it’s up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, followed by the letters B and A. Ever wanted to see the people who work at Google doing cool things like Google Street View? Well, if you hop along to the back of the Google offices in Mountain View, you can see them all. There are a lot of things Gmail can do for you — filter spam, flood you with ads, apply a plethora of pretty coloured labels to your messages — but, as yet, it can’t do your laundry. However, it is an option on the ‘suggest a feature’ page for Gmail. Because Chuck Norris jokes never get old, there is a warning hidden in Google search results to ward off those who dare to attempt to find him. Just search ‘find Chuck Norris’ and hit ‘I’m feeling lucky’ and you’ll see what I mean.
  15. As you know premium services from Filehosts can be very expensive. You get your favorites but there are so many out there. Now there is an answer, CaptchaTrader. They have a cool little plug in that works with JDownloader that allows you to either buy credits, or you can earn them for free. For free credits all you have to do is solve some Captcha's. Captcha traders plugin will fill in your Captcha's for you, so you do not need to be there to enter it manually. Just set it and go, easy as that. You can use my referl link to check it out: http://captchatrader.com/users/refer/DarknQuiet/
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl1ujzRidmU&feature=player_embedded
  17. new website that keeps track of everything you download from file-sharing sites could spell trouble for the scores of people who steal copyrighted music and movies. The site, Youhavedownloaded.com, does exactly what its name implies: It keeps a huge database of millions of media files that have been downloaded to tens of millions of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses from file-sharing websites and services such as BitTorrent. When you visit the site, it automatically scans your IP address and reveals what, if any, files you've downloaded. To date, Youhavedownloaded has a database of more 52,286,000 users and 110,800 torrents made up of 1,918,000 individual files. A glance at the homepage shows a small sample of what people have downloaded, including the film "Spy Kids 4," the AMC show "The Walking Dead" and season four of FX's "Sons of Anarchy." The site was built as a proof-of-concept, Suren Ter-Saakov, one of its founders, told noted cyber security researcher Brian Krebs. As such, it stops short of parsing through "dynamic" IP addresses, which change and can be used to conceal one's online activities. The site's servers don't store timestamps or gather personally identifiable details either. Despite its limitations and innocent nature, Youhavedownloaded.com still has the capability to scare — or shame — people into thinking before they blindly download pirated material. Ter-Saakov said he received an email from someone who asked to have his information taken down "because he was downloading porn and was afraid his parents would be able to see what kind of files he downloaded." Beyond calling people out, Krebs said the site highlights something that's important but often overlooked among casual Internet users, which is that file-trading networks "are an extremely common and easy way to spread malicious software." Skipping the ethical argument about downloading copyrighted material, if you're on a file-sharing site, be very cautious about what you download. There is no guarantee the song or TV show you think you're getting is what it claims to be. Make sure your computer is outfitted with anti-virus software, and to protect yourself even further, run all downloads through a malware-scanning program. Source MSN: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45646527/ns/technology_and_science-security/t/website-knows-what-youve-illegally-downloaded/ Youhavedownloaded.com
  18. Darko

    A little baby with big head

    OMG did mom survive the birth
  19. Darko

    World Biggest truck ever

    OMG I want it
  20. Darko

    Snake eat Lguanu

  21. What kinda gas mileage does it get???
  22. Darko

    Extremely beautiful and creative photographs

    Wow these are cool