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Everything posted by atgpud2003

  1. atgpud2003

    how to install mac os x on a amd computer

    It works very well in INTEL. But work pretty ok on AMD if you had right hardware. ATGPUD2003
  2. atgpud2003

    A Tribute to Steve jobs from Team Cyberwarez

    Well, it's sad.. But, let you know I met him in person in San Fransisco, CA.. Brilliant man!! ATGPUD2003
  3. atgpud2003

    FTP time

    Let me remind you understanding FTP.. You can get tide up with your local ISP and you might get serious bandwith traffics are capped up to 250GB to 300GB Per month.. ANYTHING GOES over, you have pay hefty monthly fees, also maybe harder to share more than 1 users and can tied up your internet! Check your local ISP what is your capping bandwith monthly! I was ex-ftp user my own hosting.. Not cheap! ATGPUD2003
  4. atgpud2003

    Filesonic is dead now

    Gez.. Not gonna happen. Cuz they don't giving a shit! So, Best learn lesson. ALL you do is have Paypal add on it and use it unless IF been rip you off and easy notified to Paypal to stop payments and then easier close account paypal then they can't do jack shit! IT WORKS! I had ripped off 3 times over FileServe and Filesonic.. SO, best way cover your ass! Let go back OLD Torrent! ATGPUD2003
  5. atgpud2003

    Filesonic is dead now

    Well, They are stupid like an assholes with Filesonic (which I pay for 1 year!! Thanks asshole filesonic!) and Megaupload too. What crock and shit! So, FUCK the SOPA bill because make no god damn sense shit what so ever! P.S. Sorry my french! ATGPUD2003
  6. atgpud2003

    What do you think of this forum?

    Kinda Confuse and Where PM message stuff.. In fact has start all over again! ATGPUD2003