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Everything posted by Saran999

  1. Saran999

    Original Playstation

    C'mon I don't believe you... Ok, let me do the old wise a** that I hate so much In a long forgotten past, when there where no electricity, or air conditioners, computers, consoles and video games, in instance PlayStation, life was so much healthy and enjoyable as the only things that you where getting during the hot summer months where friends, jumps and swimming contests. Then, after a long, tiresome and cheerful day, you was back home getting a refreshing lemonade from your lovely mom that was preparing your dinner, with your father that was slowly sipping his frost beer in the patio with his dog Smokey sitting near him, in a warming sunset light. Ah, long gone, charmful Southern past...
  2. mmmhhhh.... and you choose based on your preferences, or based on the privacy policy that you have subscribed not having fully read it or, as we are not lawyers, understood? I understand that there is a lot of hype on government agencies, and I just cannot have an opinion based on my correctness as I'm not a US citizen, but we are here discussing about private corporations that simply admit that they don't respect privacy, and neither they respect your personal choices on what's you want to share and what's not as, when you hit 'share' what you are sharing is simply 'game'
  3. Saran999

    Happy 18th Birthday, Windows 95!

    I'm really feeling old...
  4. Saran999

    Zebra Crossing

  5. Saran999

    Review: Ontrion LifeCharge Pack with LED Light

    And it's relatively cheap too... nice gadget!
  6. The cloud concept isn't private at all. But the alternative it's to own a private data-center with all the needed storage for yourself... Ah, the sharing concept isn't private neither... Who really has data, doesn't share a bit of it
  7. Every single time EU rise hands and cause MS troubles.... It's a cliche', a sad one as is repetitive
  8. Saran999

    Louisiana sinkhole swallow trees

    I've found a self calling 'explanation' that put on the table responsibility about strategic reserves creation and global earth changes... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wcbLvO0-huQ What do you think about? Even with the growing pressure caused by the drilling, it doesn't sound a valid point seeing the whole scenario as it's developing all over the world. But for sure adds even more danger to the already 'hot' situation in North America. I'm trying to 'dig down' (pun intended) a bit in this 'sinkhole' matter, and even if no one seems to really understand the whole picture, the fact that something is globally going on seems plausible... Searching a bit about historical sinkhole cases, seems that there are few http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinkhole but the problem that seems to arise is that never in history so many of them where formed in such short time. My surprise is that, even if someone http://thesinkhole.org/ is trying to collect them all, I've not found anyone that is truly connecting the dots yet.
  9. Saran999

    Louisiana sinkhole swallow trees

    Oh gosh! Now I get it. I agree with you, they are two distinct forces that counterbalance toward the goal of a new equilibrium. In fact what I have wrongly understood in your previous post was the fact that in your opinion they where not related in any way. So, all good as you say, if I've well understood this time, there is something moving out there... and it's HUGE. From another perspective, this may eliminate a bit of pressure on the engineers that have made the so called 'mistake' in the Lake Peigneur disaster? Perhaps, the phenomena will have produced itself anyway, even without drilling... but, at the end... who knows? Anyway, this is for sure a master disaster in US South Regions... I feel sorry about this...
  10. Saran999

    Amazing tooth

    Picture saved...
  11. Saran999

    Teacher gives Punishment

    ...I don't understand what is the punishment... I definitely become old...
  12. Saran999

    Cat wearing girls dress

    Post more cats! I adore them...
  13. ....W.I.T.H. they are doing? I hope that the 'ironing lady' will not get paid for this 'service'...
  14. Saran999

    Employ Condition ( Funny)

    That's pair with your explanation about life cycles. This is the cow 40 year period
  15. Saran999

    Funny cat

    I believe that he's actually laughing...
  16. Saran999

    Louisiana sinkhole swallow trees

    That's exactly my point. Desalination that is counteracted by massive salt domes that melt down again into the ocean. In my mind they are not two phenomena, but just one that try to counterbalance itself....now I'm starting to doubt about my capacity to express myself in English... Sorry about that. Hope to have been able to clarify myself better
  17. Saran999

    Life on the front porch

    ...we owe you wisdom...
  18. Saran999

    Louisiana sinkhole swallow trees

    I was thinking... perhaps with the huge polar meltdown that push fresh water into the oceans, this salt meltdown is something related. A sort of Earth mechanism to keep ocean water salinity at bay. I've heard that the same phenomena are common in other world region as well. And it's weird to see that the one of he most 'salted' area is exactly in front of the Gulf of Mexico... I'm not a scientist for sure, but that keeps me wonder.... http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/oceanography/physical-ocean/salinity/ http://aquarius.nasa.gov/science-oceanpopup.html In the image in the popup, that I've not been able to embed as there is some kind of app in it, you may better see the relation between salinity and El Nino or La Nina.
  19. Saran999

    Louisiana sinkhole swallow trees

    Many thanks to have taken time for the explanation. Makes sense to me and it's really scaring indeed...
  20. Saran999

    Louisiana sinkhole swallow trees

    Yeah, I wonder why.... what is the explanation of this? Do you know it?
  21. Saran999

    Too much for a little girl

    W O N D E R F U L ! ! !
  22. Hi Grandad, I've found this on Yahoo answers, but there are many sites that give you the song, or even the ring tone http://randy-newman-ot-monk-its-a-jungle-out-th-mp3-download.kohit.net/_/651837 Click the name up top, right click and hit save as. Try a google search for monk it s a jungle out there, or monk theme and the likes...
  23. Epiphenomenalism http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/epiphenomenalism/
  24. Saran999

    Hi to all @ CP

    Ciao arkadaş! Have fun!