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Everything posted by Saran999

  1. Tetrakishexahedron cube with pyramid erected on each face No problem at all Grandad, and excuse me if my message sounded a bit rude... I'm still learning English language
  2. Saran999

    Skype for iOS updated, 720p video calls added

    Thanks! I'm running to upgrade mine...
  3. I think that the main mistake for them is to have concentrated too much efforts on the 'serious' corporate business, loosing the ludic side, and the large consumer base that enjoys that, mostly in 'corporate business'. Corporates change very fast and that is what has happened. Who wants something that is only made for work, with some, ill implemented that get you guilty when you use them, 'features'. To me, this fall is due to too much rigidity and seriousness...
  4. I think that this smartphone, looking at the spec, will be a REAL iPhone competitor and an Android smasher... If you have worked with Ubuntu a bit, you have learned to love it!
  5. Perhaps they may start to think about lowering the prices a bit... money doesn't grow on trees yet...
  6. Saran999

    Great magazine site

    Fantastic! Thanks a lot
  7. Electroencephalograph instrument for measuring the brain's electrical impulses (Grandad you broke the rules, you must start the new word with the last letter of the preceding one)
  8. Lautenclavicymbel lute harpsichord with gut strings (you can do it again LOL LOL LOL )
  9. Saran999

    Mind blowing: Live flight tracker

    You're right. It's mind blowing! Many thanks for the resource
  10. Yogibogeybox materials used by a spiritualist
  11. Saran999

    What type are you?

    You are describing exactly what I think. Creating our own theory is the best way to act, as it's something that generate from yourself and that you are living everyday. So, I agree with you. Anyway, no, I wasn't thinking to use any kind of 'technique' on friends or relative. Just some ol' and underestimated human warmth. But now that you mention it, I see some Sigma signs that are glimpsing in what you are describing about yourself. And this is not about judging or putting you in boxes, as, if you read my Sigma definition between the lines, is an open category where everything is possible. Even if, being against something is often as strong as completely participate in it. Just in the negative side... And, to be honest talking about myself, Sigma is my favorite type one ...with some Gamma and Omega flavor in it... sometime when I long for something else that I just cannot describe yet... Definitely not Alpha... LOL!
  12. Saran999

    What type are you?

    For sure, nobody will incarnate a pure category, but rather will end up to be a mix of two or three, depending on situations or environment. But, how do you think about yourself? I have chosen an alphabetical exposition that do not infer any kind of values ladder in any sense. So, choose freely and don't be ashamed to recognize yourself Alpha: the male elite, the leaders of men for whom women naturally lust. Their mere presence sets women a-tingle regardless of whether she is taken or not. Once you've seen beautiful married women ignoring tall, handsome, wealthy, and even famous men because that ugly old troll Henry Kissinger walked in the room, you simply can't deny the reality of Alphadom. The guy who seems most at ease with women and can essentially marry or date any woman of his choice. In work settings, the alpha male may be a natural leader, exuding confidence. But he also may be contentious, demanding and difficult to work with. You are confident and your own man. You do your own thing and have complete confidence in everything you do. You have your self doubts, but you don't let it cloud your judgment and logic. You are well liked by almost everyone, and you just have an easy charm and swagger about your presence. Women are drawn to your charisma and presence. You enjoy being social and having lots of people around. You are a natural leader Beta: the lieutenants, the petty aristocracy. They're popular, they do well with women, they're pretty successful in life, and they may even be exceptionally good-looking. But they lack the Alpha's natural self-confidence and strength of character. They're not leaders and they're not the men to whom women are helplessly drawn. Most men who like to think they're Alphas because of their success are actually Betas. Most Betas won't change their game because they don't really have any need or reason to do so. This is probably the easiest social slot in which to find yourself, since the Beta enjoys many of the benefits of Alphadom without being trapped in the Alpha's endless cycle of competition. The betas are wingmen, collaborative and conciliatory. In human terms, betas make the best mates. They do more in the house, and probably in the bedroom, because they know how to hasten the greater good. The beta has poetry in him, and a touch of youthful idealism. He’s sure of who he is, and not constantly trying to prove his value in materialistic terms. You are a born follower Deltas: withdrawn, private, and to some extent, disaffected. Deltas are often ‘has beens’ who were confident, successful, popular Alphas in their youth. The lowest rung in the hierarchy of personalities, Deltas tend to be subordinates who are ostracized by society. Most of these men need a lot of assurance by society to the point of having little backbone to think for themselves. Sure, many Delta males are surrounded by "friends" and are good at get their fair share of girls by "wooing" them with some pop-culture nonsense (whether it's A&F-style gauche preppiness or poser hip-hop wannabe thuggishness), but that crowd and attention is more imperative for their self-esteem than anything else. Aloof, marginalised, resentful are the common traits of Delta type personalities. Gamma: the dividing line between a Gamma and a Delta is that the Gamma genuinely believes in the Gamma reality to the very core of his soul whereas the Delta is never truly comfortable with himself when he behaves in this manner despite being thoroughly indoctrinated in it by his culture. You are sort of the "invisible" guy. There is nothing really spectacular about you. You are not a beta, but neither are you an alpha. Your personality and presence usually blends in with the rest of the room and you're just sort of...there. People like you are just fine and usually don't have too much trouble with girls, but all the same, there is nothing particularly memorable or remarkable about you. You are not a born leader nor a inherent follower, although you can take on those tasks depending on the situation. Not often talked about, but they are out there. Usually a Gamma is an Alpha Male that “grew up” and toned down the antics slightly and started being socially conscious and more of a team player. Or they started as a Beta Male that “grew a pair” and started bumping back on the rest of the world rather than just taking it lying down. Either way works as a route. Gammas use diplomacy but when required to they will respond with adept force. Mostly they are consciously aware of both their own natures, and the needs of women. They adjust on the fly to the situation, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. Sigma: The lone wolves. Occasionally mistaken for Alphas, particularly by women and Alphas, they are not leaders and will actively resist the attempt of others to draft them. Alphas instinctively view them as challenges and either dislike or warily respect them. Some Deltas and most Omegas fancy themselves Sigmas, but the true Sigma's withdrawal from the pack is not a reaction to the way he is treated, it is pure instinct. You can often be even more powerful than the alpha or the omega male in social situations due to your ability to persuade and manipulate them. You are neither a follower or a leader but rather a wild card. Sigmas are outsiders to the social game, yet manage to win at it anyhow, confusing everyone else in the process. They are also adept at socially challenging and ridiculing Alphas, to their rage. Sigmas tend to be contemptuous towards the opposite sex, even if they desire them. Omega: the polar opposite of the alpha male, but in a good way. Like the alpha male you are confident, intelligent and have a sense of charisma about you, but unlike the alpha male, you are completely your own person. You do not need anyone, and you can even be emotionally distant due to your complete self-possession. You trust few people and foster even fewer intimate relationships. Omegas do not care for leadership by others as they are perfectly capable of leading themselves. That which doesn't kill them can make them stronger, but most never surmount the desperate need to belong caused by their social rejection. They will avoid even betas, and tend to be the most evasive they can possibly be. Mating and intimacy might be something they desire, but they are the least likely to exert any necessary effort to change themselves or engage in any behavior that requires them to compete with other people. Omegas are not bothered by social status at all, or how others view them. They will sometimes let themselves go, become fat and lazy, because these things do not bother them. So, how do you see yourself? Do you agree with this categorization? Let's talk about it...
  13. Mathematicaster minor or inferior mathematician (just discovered BBCodes...)
  14. Saran999

    A Falcon Nesting in a Tree

    It took me some time to understand...
  15. Saran999

    Databases that Store Everything You Do

    Or... nobody (referring to 'citizens') cares as nobody (again the 'citizens') really fully understand... and this is very sad...
  16. Saran999

    What type are you?

    smithy69er I get your point and I agree with you. But... a huge but. Not putting peoples in little boxes is a must, but I think that using those kind of easy categories to let peoples create hypothesis on what's going on inside them may be useful. All of us have a plethora of actions/reactions to deal with, and knowing that someone has tried to categorize those behaviors, again, may be useful and funny, sometime, knowing that no box exist. So, as I've said, don't think to those classes as strictly defined and all-pervading, but I look at them as a sort of guideline that may be funny to compare with. A sort of completely unuseful game that may push some people to think a bit more to themselves. That's it And, as you mention it, I'm a counselor too... sort of... but as you know, apart from some heavy a** absurd person that think that being a counselor means to be put in a 'rigidly defined box', there are no clear specifications yet for this activity, as there are no clear specification yet that clearly define human mind. And, as you mention Jung, if you read through his works you may find hypothesis and doubts that do not push you to any kind of definitive conclusion on human behavior and its definitive genesis. There are hints, there are ideas, there are hypothesis, but no definitive explanation. So, again, I completely agree on the fact that there are 'no boxes', but I add that sometime, illusive boxes may also be useful to start to, not understand, but at least watch to try to, at least, catch glimpses of what you may be, beginning your personal path to self-discovery So, perhaps some psychology studies and some PhD may help, but at the end of the day to be a counselor or a psychotherapist there is a one to one relationship that may, or may not, produce meaningful results that bring on the table your value as such. As, more or less, if you passionately love human beings, and if you have loved friends, we all are counselors and psychotherapists and not many of us get paid for it... apart the joy to see your friend smiling again
  17. That does mean that to stole it, you must first disable GPS on the device, and only then erase it and pawn it? Just curios
  18. Wonderful reference! Thank you mate! Cheers