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Posts posted by Saran999

  1. As I'm always saying, real security it's to cut the NW cable. But, even if gov orgs like NSA may crack TOR, it's still far more secure, and difficult to track, than a single VPN. In fact, what's the article fail to mention it's the fact that, to achieve the prospected cracking, NSA must search and track a defined peer. So, unless we are already in their radar, TOR remain a good privacy, that's not security, option IMHO. Good article HM, many thanks! :D

    • Like 1

  2. This is more and more about mental schemes and the fact that most of the people's act and think in similar ways. This is the result to be in a herd... No indivifuality means no innovation, even, and more frequently, in gestures that are normally meant for communication. So, they must be understood by others. For those reasons I think that gestures cannot be taken as a good security measure to lock down anything. Just my 2 cents...

  3. Thinking about China labour exploitation history and the infernal labour situation present in China, I'm really curious about which kind of labour violations they are talking about. There's a mention about an explosion, but I'm sure that, if the details came up, they'll be mind blowing for us western people's... I'm really concerned, not talking about the ridiculous work compensations that are recognized to Chinese workers. And despite that, looking at the Apple device prices, we may start to think why Apple is still so full of revenues... and 'how'
