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Posts posted by Talons06

  1. Congress admitted to insider trading recently, however in the same breath they have exempt themselves for legeal action. They said they had to be privleged to such information in order to do their job. So I guess they just had to break the laws to fill their pockets. Knowing insider information is one thing but taking action and trading on that information before it is made public is illeagle. Send them to jail just like they recently sent three Wall Street brokes to jail for the samething.


    Now does that make any sence???? This is just one way that lawmakers stuff their pockets at our expence. Now you know how they become millionaries on a $150,000.00 a year salary. Five of them have offshore bank accounts.


    Vote the basturds out!!!! All of them. Then invoke the laws that pretain to the rest of us.


    If Obama health care was so great, why did they ammend it to exempt themselves. Now other big companies are being exempt as fast as they can throw their money any congessmen.



    The same thing happened to the Roman Empire, are we next??? Wake up America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    What are your thoughts?????

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