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such a great guy

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Cinderella was all set to go to the huge ball, but she was having a severe
case of PMS. She was crabby and pissy and moody and generally not in the
partying spirit. Well, her fairy-godmother again came to her rescue by
providing Cinderella with a magic tampon. The fairy-godmother said, "Put
this in and your PMS will be gone. Just remember, you have to be home by
the stroke of midnight or the magic tampon will turn into a pumpkin and
that is gonna be painful as hell to get out."
So, off Cinderella went to the ball in a great mood ready to dance the
night away. Midnight comes and goes, however, and no Cinderella. Her
fairy-godmother is worried to death. 1..2...3 am and no sign of Cinderella.
Finally she comes home at 4 am. The fairy-godmother was distraught. "What
on earth happened to you?" she said. "What about the magic tampon. I've
been worried sick about you."
"Oh don't worry," Cinderella replied. "I met this really great guy named

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