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Everything posted by daytrader

  1. daytrader

    [SOLVED] Keyboard totally mixed up

    easy... 2 things to try. 1.. reboot your PC...could be a registry file messed someplace. 2.. most likely it's your keyboard. turn it upside down shake / clean it, etc....one of the keys pads is stuck and causing it to act erratically....do not drink and use your PC at the same time, is your first clue...but really just a key, like shift is stuck in the down click position. Remember all keys have two functions, a down stroke, and up stroke which will cause your PC to react to some action.. well from a programming point of view anyway, but perhaps to deep here...but check the keyboard first. Let us know..
  2. Win 7 basic....did this come a notebook release?
  3. daytrader

    Classic Spot the difference

    does gfx crew have access to staff corner post in this location then ..hehe
  4. daytrader

    Keep track of your favourite tv-series!

    nice little tool, thanks
  5. daytrader

    website downloader

    thinks thats just for content...not 100% site
  6. daytrader

    multi file host upload site?

    don't forget protection...ups/downs should always use a vpn service...IMO
  7. daytrader

    No Sir, Officer, We've just been fishing...

    just great....love it
  8. daytrader

    What is HTC stand for?

    Yes, absolutely correct
  9. hey np 6 12 81...but believe it or not, Zuda has a great point for you, perhaps, perhaps not, but for wanna-be-newbie programmers types..assembly language, even old, is the fundamental stuff you need to understand. If you can follow this....then get back to me, I can make you famous and even get you to join some anonymous club....
  10. Hmm..can't remember off hand, but could be restriction for new members, sorry its a Admin thing really. tell me via pm, I'll post for you...you will get credit of course...but suggestion option should work tho... after what, 10 posts ??
  11. yes, where will you spank me?
  12. can you show me whats under the hood?
  13. Do you think I can take for a ride?
  14. Do you have something specific in mind? Crack tut's don't just exist, hacking is the creative art of problem solving, which means finding a unconventional solution to a problem, or finding holes in sloppy programming. Everybody wants to be a hacker, but most don't have the foundation needed. Education is required and where is important as well...like exploitation of code, networking, shellcode or even cryptology. My guess is what you have read in the past is, just that, the past. Security guys are smart as well, you just have to find the weakness. The answer is not a tut, but thinking outside the box of what you have learned already.
  15. daytrader

    F-35B on the USS WASP

    Nice, looks like the UK Harrier Jump jets....jets that turn into helicopters... bad ass machines...
  16. Whats the name of the girl on the bike?
  17. Why is anything possible?
  18. daytrader

    Stupid sayings by Famous people....

    "And the next morning, when they wake up dead, there’ll be a record.” happens to me all the time....lol
  19. daytrader

    Kim Dotcom granted bail

    kill somebody and you will get less crap than this guy...look at the doctor of Micheal Jackson as an example..
  20. daytrader

    Sharing is not piracy

    sharing is caring!!
  21. Was that wipe or swipe?
  22. daytrader


    damn...only three...and I did it 3 times...