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Everything posted by ekwitty

  1. ekwitty

    Hi Gang

    I'm an activist hippie from the late 60's working my way through another kind of late 60's. Your community was on a list of warez sites, I followed the link, liked what I saw and stopped looking. I used to be active at warez-bb but have been out of the app scene for a few years and am now finding myself trying to catch up to an online world that seems to have passed me by. I have an android but am not device literate... haven't caught the interconnectivity groove yet - still doing most of my online from a desktop. My last iMac edition had systemic overheating problems but mine waited for the 3 year Apple recall window to close before it went to shit. LOL I'm running High Sierra on a new iMac and if not for warez, I'd be SOL as far as getting any new apps is concerned. I've already d/l'd a few and payback/reciprocation is on the way. To state the obvious, warez is providing me w/ the apps that I need to do my work that I otherwise couldn't afford. However, I would support warez regardless of financial shape because of the nature of the world that we live in. During my 50+ years of political awareness, unbridled capitalism has chewed away at the public/private sector checks and balances that my government is supposed to mediate. The well documented and unprecedented, extreme redistribution of wealth has helped usher an increasingly anxious, violent, society which is giving rise to an authoritarian state. Supporting warez is one way that the individual can help equalize the gross imbalance and gives the finger to the illusion of trickle down economics. Anyways, time to get off the soapbox. Hello community and thank you!
  2. ekwitty

    Hi Gang

    I don't bite the hands that feed me. I'll mind my manners and abide by your rules. Am looking forward to making this one of my hangs and maybe I can learn a little about tweaking code along the way so I can help the cause. I'm easy, but I'm not cheap. LOL Have a good one. You folks rock!