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Everything posted by Grandad

  1. That's possible! Can you give me a clue?
  2. No, I haven't even got a bad copy. How long do you think we will have to wait for a good copy?
  3. Mine is working fine. I downloaded Vinceserious's version and followed the instructions and copied the amtlib.dll into all the different parts of CS6. I have even had a couple of updates.
  4. The trouble is the wife and the dog take up the whole of the settee. Even when the wife is not in I still can't sit on the settee.
  5. IN RESPONSE TO THE EMAIL CONCERNING MY DOG... Please be advised I am sick and tired of receiving questions about my dog who mauled six illegal immigrants, thirty nine gypsies from Dale Farm, two rappers, nine teenagers with pants hanging down past their backsides, eight customer service desk people speaking in broken English, twenty eight rioters with appeals pending and a Muslim taxi driver. FOR THE LAST TIME...THE DOG IS NOT FOR SALE !!!
  6. Grandad

    Mental health ad

    Don't women say a man's brain is lower down the body!
  7. Grandad

    Funny Two Liners ...

    What about the people who don't say much: Because they can't get a word in edgeways.
  8. Grandad

    Shark hotel

    Wasn't this an Elvis Presley song "Shark Bait Hotel"
  9. Grandad

    Perfect moment - Royal welcome!

    So who's got the tin opener then?
  10. Grandad

    [SOLVED] Keyboard totally mixed up

    Just a thought! if you have just reinstalled Win 7, what country did you set for your keyboard for when you were installing windows? as this makes a difference of where the keys are.
  11. Grandad

    Water Bill

    After having a water meter installed, a couple sat down to watch TV. After half an hour or so, the woman went out to visit her neighbours and came back 5 minutes later. An hour passed and she went out again for 5 minutes. After several more times, the husband asked why she kept going to their neighbours? I'm using their toilet to save us money on our water bill she replied. The husband said, but isn't that going to cost the neighbours more? No the wife said with a serious expression, the water company said you are allowed to use 150 litres per person per day living in the household! but as I don't live there, it wouldn't count.
  12. Grandad

    Edit Shouts

    Dirtylow, Yes I do understand your point as it has happened to me a few times, but I can give you an example of what I mean, A while ago I was chatting to Vince when instead of him saying "thanks" he wrote "tanks", with him having a similar sense of humour as myself I put up an image of a tank. If he now edited his shout to correct his mistake, then anybody looking at the shoutbox would think why has he answered with a picture of a tank? Thanks, all the best to you as well.
  13. Grandad

    Edit Shouts

    Just a thought! Once you have posted a shout and someone replies to your shout, if you then edit your shout, wouldn't that cause a bit of confusion to the people that have replied or about to reply to your shout.
  14. I have a Windows Phone and I am thoroughly impressed with it. I would like to try Windows 8 on the computer but am not willing to it until I can afford an additional hard drive to put it on so if any thing goes wrong I won't lose anything. From what I have read, it should work on Desktop PC, Laptop & Tablet but not on the Phone at present.
  15. Grandad

    Hachiko, the Faithful Dog ....

    I too have watched the film and thoughly enjoyed it, and as in the film I can say that dogs do sense when something is wrong! I felt giddy once and laid on the floor just in case I passed out and wouldn't hurt myself if I fell, well I did pass out and somehow banged my head. When I came round my dog was there licking my head where I had banged it and he wouldn't leave me until I told him I was alright. I have had a few dogs and can say this one is the worst behaved one I've had but they have all been part of my family, they truly mans best friend. Our Dog.
  16. Yes I agree it was an awesome sight, but to me it seemed the only time he went through the Grand Canyon was when he was parachuting down. Good video anyway, worth watching.