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Grand Theft Auto Online still doesn’t work three days later, but an update is coming

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Grand Theft Auto Online still doesn’t work three days later, but an update is coming

It has now been around three days since Grand Theft Auto Online launched to a host of connectivity and lag issues. Has Rockstar been able to straighten out the experience and get people online?

So far, reports around the web claim that the issues are still present, but slowly getting better. Rather than being completely locked out of the game, some gamers are now claiming that they can get in after trying to connect over and over again, upwards of ten times. Other gamers report various issues upon successfully making it into the game, such as characters inexplicably missing limbs. Still other reports say that even if you get into the game without issue, attempting to begin missions triggers a host of problems, such as the game completely freezing, or lagging out for a period of time. If you run into these issues, you may have to restart the game.

So, things are pretty bleak, but is there anything you can do to play Grand Theft Auto Online?

The majority of the error reports can be categorized under the umbrella of the game freezing or lagging out at any given point, when trying to do just about anything. It seems Rockstar simply hasn’t gotten its online beast under control.

GTA_V_screen_09-300x168.jpgRockstar states that it is working on a new update in order to smooth out these issues. In the long run, this is Rockstar’s first massively multiplayer game, and it’s only been three days of issues since launch. The single player campaign in GTA V has so much to do, so that should keep you occupied until Rockstar has hammered out the online issues.

Remember, this isn’t too different from any other MMO launch; there are always server, lag, and queue issues, regardless of the developer or title.

If you really must get into GTA Online right now, try to brute force your way in by reconnecting over and over until it works, as that strategy appears to be viable, if frustrating. If you do get in and can’t deal with the lag and freezing issues, try to have patience until Rockstar can get everything working.


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