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About Dlaniger

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cyberspace on Earth
  • Interests
    The evolution of carbon based life forms.
  1. Dlaniger

    Cannot Post My Signature

    Thank you Mr, Grumpy. Dlaniger
  2. Dlaniger

    Cannot Post My Signature

    I've been trying to post my signature from TinyPic, but I haven't been able to succeed; can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, Any help would be appreciated. Dlaniger
  3. Dlaniger

    ALLDATA Repair manual [COMPLETED]

    Thanks for your help ShAmmY1989 it is appreciated. Dlaniger
  4. Can anyone please help me or tell me where to find a free up to date copy of an ALLDATA 10.4 Repair manual. Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated. Dlaniger
  5. Dlaniger


    Why thank you very much Saran999,for a minute I thought I was feeling a chill! (Right here I would post one of those big grinning smileys back at you, but the Bold, Italic, Underline, Font, Size, and Smileys on this board seem to have been disabled; He, he, he, Oh well)Best wishes to you and yours Saran999 let em know Dlaniger, a real world renown cyber-space pie-rat speak spoke spat at em latter. Dlaniger out
  6. Dlaniger


    Ahh, nothing like a warm welcome back, thanks fellas; I will do my very best to abide by all the rules, and I am aware of all the penalties for not., been in exile for a while, and lost in the vast sea of cyber-space, but its good to know no matter how renown, one can always come back home.... parley witcha later. Dlaniger out
  7. Dlaniger


    Hi CP, my name is Dlaniger and I'm back; hope I can help. Dlaniger out