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General inspecting the troops

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General inspecting the troops


A rough old general has heard about a unit with the reputation of being filled with the toughest soldiers around and decides he needs to go and check them out.
After reviewing the troops on parade he decides to go to the medical tent to meet the soldiers who weren't at parade.
The general gets to the first soldier and barks at him "Why are you here?"
"Hemorrhoid's Sir!"
"And how are you treating it?"
"Wire brush and disinfectant Sir!"
"And what's your goal in life soldier?"
"To kill the enemy Sir!"
The general is pleased with this answer and moves onto the next soldier. "Why are you here?"
"Genital warts Sir!"
"And how are you treating it?"
"Wire brush and disinfectant Sir!"
"And what's your goal in life soldier?"
"To kill the enemy Sir!"
Once again the general is pleased and moves on to the last soldier. "And why are you here?"
"Gingivitis Sir!"
"And how are you treating it?"
"Wire brush and disinfectant Sir!"
"And what's your goal in life soldier?"
"To get the wire brush before the other two Sir!"
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