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Quiz - How truthful and honest are you

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Quiz - How truthful and honest are you.




How often do you swear or use other ‘bad language’:
a) When talking face-to-face with another person
b) When nobody else is around
c) When messaging/emailing/online
Choose your responses from the following answers:
  1. Never - 1 point
  2. Once a year - 2 points
  3. A few times a year - 3 points
  4. Once a month - 4 points
  5. 2-3 times a month - 5 points
  6. Once a week - 6 points
  7. 2-3 times a week - 7 points
  8. 4-6 times a week - 8 points
  9. Every day - 9 points
  10. Several times a day - 10 points
When you have your three scores, add them together and divide by three to get your average.
Before we see what that says about you, answer the following question:
If you say you will do something, do you always keep your promise no matter how inconvenient? Yes or no
The average score for swearing (based on an online sample of 300 people) is 6.5, so if you scored higher than this, you are officially more sweary than the average person. 
You are also probably more honest. In a study published by Gilad Feldman of Maastricht University, found that a positive correlation between swearing and honesty, as measured by yes/no questions like the one above. 
The logic is that nobody keeps every single promise, so if you said “yes”, you are almost certainly lying (if only to yourself). The researchers suggest the link between swearing and honesty is that colourful language is generally used to express one’s genuine feelings.
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Well Neo sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but I think you just hit 15

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