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Status Updates posted by ghostxdreams2

  1. You're never too old to learn something stupid

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ghostxdreams2


      lol@neo----huh wait are you meaning me? lol whos voice was that? mine? hmmmmmmmmm

    3. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Yea I meet them everyday and No not you Ghost :)

    4. ghostxdreams2
  2. Whoever coined the phrase "Quiet as a mouse" has never stepped on one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostxdreams2
    3. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      or more like


      Crap Sweak

    4. NeophobiA


      That's like that song "What does the fox say.?."


      I dunno what sort of foxes they have where that was filmed but here they go 'Thudump' as you run over them..

  3. ever cough so hard you fart/ sneeze @ the same time ? who needs drugs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostxdreams2


      ya but girls don't have things flip-flopping around down there*well in general*to go a swinging as you rip one off while trying to blow ur nose it can be an adventure fer sure

    3. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      hahaha I didn't know Frogs could talk - That's what I would say

    4. ghostxdreams2
  4. R.I.P Andy Griffith you will be missed

    1. kenner


      I grew up with rabbit ear TV. How many nights watching him. RIP.

    2. ghostxdreams2


      thats where all the bald rabbits came from in my neck of the woods hmmmmmmmmm;)

    3. kenner
  5. got to do a brake job on the wife's car 2-day is it over yet?

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      You better test drive it multi times before you give it bact to her. Good luck

    2. ghostxdreams2


      all done had a buddy come by and he helped me out she only hit one tree two curbs and one mex----------well it needed greasing anyways *snicker*

    3. Tech 425
  6. thanks to e1 that signed up on my new facebook :)

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      I will when I get a free minute my friend

    2. Grandad


      Sorry mate but I am not on Facebook and not likely to be any time soon.

    3. ghostxdreams2


      just let me know when ur ready tech and i will turn the invite back on;;; no worries grandad :)

  7. wrestling a big woman is like riding a moped it,s fun till someone sees you lol

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      No thank you - I got 3 rules, 1 can't weigh more than me - 2 can't be uglier than me - 3 can't be dumber than me :)

    2. ghostxdreams2



      well that leaves arkansas women out lmao

    3. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Hmmmmm I will have to get you a pic of my last girlfriend :)

  8. i found out yesterday that i really do have the body of a 20yr old---------- problem is -------it,s covered up with the 30yrs of old crap

    1. Darko


      Lucky you , last night at the DR's I found out I have the body of 60 year old, covered in a 40 something yrs of crap lol


    2. ghostxdreams2
  9. your first mistake was you had to ask me for help my first mistake i helped now we are both knee deep in it lol

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Oh Snap :) I sould of keep my mouth shut LoL

    2. ghostxdreams2


      you are fine it,s when i answered that we got in trouble lol


  10. snow on the ground and they are calling for more next week but no worries come the end of the week it will be 80 degrees got to love arkansas

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Freeze then Bake - Is there anything else to do ;)

    2. ghostxdreams2


      shake and bake? o wait thats somethings else lol

  11. Grandpa always said there is no such thing as a dumb question but there sure are a lot of dumb answers

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      How true, but we got alot of dumb people now days - Look @ the US Government

    2. ghostxdreams2


      you are sooooooooooooo right my friend you are so right

  12. limited time only my new facebook if you would like to be added send me a request only for the next 48 hrs https://www.facebook.com/jay.skull.7?ref=tn_tnmn

  13. off to see the heart doc 2day yaaaaaaaaaaa 156 miles one way

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      I will be praying for you Please take care

    2. ghostxdreams2


      made it back god i hate that triplol good news the doc took me off one of my pills yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  14. hay tech come here quick look threw this hole in the fence

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Ouch dang you :) but she did look Good ;)

    2. ghostxdreams2
  15. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      As long as it's not my bike hehehehe

    2. ghostxdreams2


      i dont take the ones with training wheels lol

  16. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Hmmm I guess that's why I'm not allowed in Public :) hehehe

    2. ghostxdreams2


      naw ur not allowed in public because u was streaking lol

  17. Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      I call my girl "Talk to Much" :) once the passy came out she hasn't shut-up up yet since


    2. ghostxdreams2


      lol u know it bud lol


  18. God must love stupid people. He made SO many

  19. How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      I would like to know why also

    2. Saa212


      why dont they use a lighter huh ?

  20. well 2day i feel better just feel like a turd on a sidewalk in the shade

    1. Darko


      Better then stuck between someone's toes

    2. ghostxdreams2


      so true lol

      feeling much better today dont know what it was just a bug i guess but it sure kicked me to the curb

  21. question of the day:::: does farts have lumps???

    1. NeophobiA


      I hope not for your pants sake...


    2. ghostxdreams2


      i was afraid someone would answer in that way------- good thing i had 2 pairs of depends on lol

  22. when life hands you lemons knock the crap out of it,s hands and ask for a bourbon

    1. Tech 425
    2. ghostxdreams2


      ya well don't bogart it hand me one too lol

  23. spent the day fighting a family of skunks that moved in under my back porch finally got all of them out and fixed the holes that they dug getting in i,m wore out

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Oh that could of got stinky

    2. Blu_Thunder


      Glad you didn't get sprayed...

  24. been sick all weekend ran a temp of 102 for over half a night temp finally broke i think it,s a summer cold nagging cough

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Please take care my Friend

    2. ghostxdreams2


      o i will nothing a few bourbons and alka-seltzer plus want take care of

  25. starting tomorrow may not be on much for the next few weeks daughter is home from the navy :)

    1. Tech 425

      Tech 425

      Tell her I said welcome home and I said Hello.


      Also to be safe :)
