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Identify Fonts From Any Image

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The idea is simple, you can identify a font or look for an alternative to a font.

Please note that this is a beta version of the system and errors can occur.






- The text must be horizontal;

- The letters must not be touching;

- The resolution for the letter must be over 80 pixels for best results;

- The background color must be lighter than the characters color;

- Maxim number of characters is 10;

- Minim number of characters is 2;

- Try to make the image Grayscale;

- Best resolution 1000px X 120px;


Q: How to post to forum?

A: First you need to upload the image in our tool to try to identify. If this don't work you have a link on result page: "Wrong results? Post the image to forum!"




Q: I followed the steps, but the system has not found any fonts, what can I do?

A: It is possible that the system has no font like the one you are looking for, but you can try the search again and try to add more chars or use only characters that are unique for the font.

Q: I have a suggestion to use in your system, what can I do?

A: Please send us an email with your suggestion, and we will check and see what we can do.

Q: I see a font with the wrong characteristics, what can I do?

A: Some fonts may have been placed in a wrong category. If this is the case, please send us an email with this problem. Please use the contact page.

Q: I want to submit my fonts to your website, what should I do?

A: If you have free fonts you can submit them on www.ffonts.net and in 24 hours the fonts will be displayed on the site. If you have commercial fonts, please contact us on the Contact page.

Q: Why can't I identify the fonts at a small resolution?

A: Certain details of the chararacters will be missing at a small resolution. Check the two images below to see how the same character 'c' will be displayed at a small resolution and at a big resolution. We can't find the font your are looking for if these details are missing. This is the reason you need to input only the characters that are unique for the font.




Visit WhatFontIs.com


* Please check the extension page for Firefox and Chrome.

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